Thursday, March 26, 2009

So I may begin to post in here about other topics as well as Kitsch Klothing updates. And why not, right? Everyone wants to know a little bit about what goes on in life...;)

Basically lately my life has been all about losing weight, getting in shape. I'd like to be able to wear my clothes sometime, without having to make plus size versions! OK, mabye that's being a bit exaggerating..but I'd like not to have to wear the Large, or XL.

Or, when I start using more "Found" shirts, it would be nice to fit into more of them! The more fitted the shirt, the nicer it looks after all.

So I am going to add some rather assorted links to my blog roll. Some crafty, some suppliers, and some are going to be focussed on health and fitness. Fitness, fashion are linked, after all.

They're all part of life, or at least large parts of MY life!!! :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sometimes you just need to take a break.

So does anyone else in this big blog world sometimes get overwhelmed by the amount of projects they try and take on? I love starting new things...I love the very idea of starting new projects. Sometimes that's as far as it goes. Sometimes I get a little bit into a new and exciting adventure and then wander off when the next sparkly comes by. just gotta streamline. 

Take for instance, Kitsch Klothing. I have been working on my t-shirts, buttons, etc. for a few years now. It has been going fairly ok, for the amount of time I have to put into it. I have peak seasons each year of show craziness (mostly spring and Christmas time), followed by epic periods of downtime where I SHOULD be working on promoting my stuff, making new leads, etc...but I don't. Somehow it always just goes "pouf" until next time a shiney new idea strikes and then whoosh! I'm off again!

This year, I am taking a bit of a break, having a bit of a rethink, and getting back down to basics. 

I have fought hard to look like a "big fish" even though I am a little fish. My products are super-nicely finished, very professional. My signs are never hand written, my shirts are all store brand quality...And yet. And yet. I personally am starting to say to myself..."what is so wrong, may I ask, with being a bit folksy and craftsy and...different?"

I'm pretty sure a lot of people think I am "different", for better or worse. But I think it's about time I stop restricting my own creativity, and really have a go at creation