Sometimes you just need to take a break.
So does anyone else in this big blog world sometimes get overwhelmed by the amount of projects they try and take on? I love starting new things...I love the very idea of starting new projects. Sometimes that's as far as it goes. Sometimes I get a little bit into a new and exciting adventure and then wander off when the next sparkly comes by. just gotta streamline.
Take for instance, Kitsch Klothing. I have been working on my t-shirts, buttons, etc. for a few years now. It has been going fairly ok, for the amount of time I have to put into it. I have peak seasons each year of show craziness (mostly spring and Christmas time), followed by epic periods of downtime where I SHOULD be working on promoting my stuff, making new leads, etc...but I don't. Somehow it always just goes "pouf" until next time a shiney new idea strikes and then whoosh! I'm off again!
This year, I am taking a bit of a break, having a bit of a rethink, and getting back down to basics.
I have fought hard to look like a "big fish" even though I am a little fish. My products are super-nicely finished, very professional. My signs are never hand written, my shirts are all store brand quality...And yet. And yet. I personally am starting to say to myself..."what is so wrong, may I ask, with being a bit folksy and craftsy and...different?"
I'm pretty sure a lot of people think I am "different", for better or worse. But I think it's about time I stop restricting my own creativity, and really have a go at creation.